Kala Senja Menutup Hari
Diatas bukit berteman sepi, menatap langit. Angin berhembus meski tak terlihat tapi terasa. Terbayang luas pijakan bumi. Indah tapi waktu memisah, sore menutup pertunjukan ini. Diri inipun pergi.
Nono Setiyo
"Katakanlah: ‘Jika bapak-bapak, anak-anak, saudara-saudara, isteri-isteri, kaum keluarga, harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu khawatirkan kerugiannya, dan rumah-rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai adalah lebih kamu cintai lebih daripada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan (dari) berjihad di jalan-Nya, maka tunggulah sampai Allah mendatangkan keputusan-Nya.” Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang fasik. (QS. 9:24) "
Gulungan Ombak Besar
Dulu itu mantai, sering. Melihat langit biru. Mendengar deras ombak. Menatap luas lautan. Berdiri diatas pasir. Bernafas udara sejuk. Terindah adalah berjalan bersama kala ombak besar menerjang.
Abu Ubaidullah Uzzam
"Demi Allah ,, jangan korbankan akhiratmu demi kebahagian dunia yang fana. Dunia itu menipu, penuh kebohongan, dan sementara. Maka bertahanlah di atas sunnah dan segala perintah juga larangan-Nya sampai engkau menemui surga. "
Langit indah itu biru, Kamu
Tinggi, tak tergapai. Biru berubah putih berjalan menyapa. Panas, tak peduli selalu bersama. Dingin, bahkan tak tergoda.
Selasa, 25 September 2012
Kata Kata Gokil Buat Status Lucu Facebook
Senin, 24 September 2012
Damon and Phintias
One day Phintias was sentenced to death by Dionysius the Younger, the ruler of the city, for plotting against his rule. Phintias then begged for permission to go home to finish his private affairs before he’s executed. Dionysius of course refused his request. Phinyias felt very and hopeless. But then, Damon came to Dionysius and begged to grant Phintias’s request. Damon loyally offered to replace Phintias while he is gone. He is willing to take Phintias’s place in prison. Dionysius the agreed and granted their request.
Phintias was very happy and thankful for his friend’s sacrifice. He promised Damon that he will returned as soon as possible. He started home as fast he can.
Days gone by and Damon waited very patiently in jail. But until the day before his execution, Phintias had not returned. And on his execution day Phintias still had not returned. Damon knew that he had to take Phintias’s place and get executed if Phinrias didn’t shoe up.
The caliph of Baghdad hired an intelligent and high spirited man as his court jester, and was much amused by his clever, witty comments. The clown was so well loved by his master that everyone at court showed him great respect. And so the caliph was much surprised one day when he heard his beloved clown crying out in distress from the throne room. The caliph hurried there and was astonished to find the guards beating the clown badly.
''Leave him alone at once!'' he orded. ''Why are you beating him?''
''We found him sitting on your throne, O majesty!''
the captain of the guards explained.
''out of my sight!'' commanded the caliph. ''For sure the jester did not do it with the intention of offending me.''
The clown, however, continued to weep and wail even after the guards had left.
''Stop it! said the irritated caliph.